Our mission and goals
New standards of animal welfare in Georgia
The Petverse platform was created and united around one main mission: to create a new standard of
care for companion animals in Georgia. We want to establish a culture of animal welfare where:
- Animals are real members of the family.
- Modern standard of animal population control program is established.
- Homeless animals no longer live on the streets.
- Owners have access to all important information, about animal nutrition, healthy lifestyle and health.
We believe that we will be the leading company in establishing these changes in Georgia. Our values will
always be the same:
Caring – We provide the best possible care for companion animals and their owners by providing the
products and services necessary for a healthy, happy companionship.
Responsibility – We are responsible for providing quality products and services, as well as creating and
disseminating quality information
Cheering – We will be the biggest cheerleaders for a better life for animals and the development of
knowledge and skills for owners. We believe that all pets deserve the best.